Five Favorite Fabulous Flosses
Cocofloss (Amy’s personal favorite!)
Why we like it: It has thicker, fuzzy fibers that hold strong and grab plaque. Plus, it comes in yummy flavors!
Who it’s good for: Most people! - especially those who loved the woven floss that is now discontinued.
Where to get it: Target, Sephora, automatic shipping from https://cocofloss.com/
How much is it: $8-10
Dr. Tung’s Smart Floss
Why we like it: Just like Cocofloss, it has nice, thick fibers to remove plaque and expands between teeth. It also has a subtle cardamom flavor!
Who it’s good for: Also most people!
Where to get it: Amazon, Target, Whole Foods
How much is it: $4-7
Listerine Ultraclean Access (with a handle)
Why we like it: The handle makes it easier to get floss to your back teeth. The handle is reusable and you just replace the heads.
Who it’s good for: People who have trouble with manual dexterity and those who have difficulty getting floss to hard-to-reach areas, such as back molars.
Where to get it: Most drugstores, Amazon
How much is it: $2-5
Listerine Ultraclean (aka “stretchy”)
Why we like it: It’s flatter, but still has microgrooves to grab plaque. It’s easier to get between tight teeth, while still removing plaque
Who it’s good for: Those who tend to gravitate toward “tape” flosses and those who have tight contacts between their teeth.
Where to get it: Most drugstores, Amazon
How much is it: $2-3
Traditional Waxed
Why we like it: It’s tried and true! The wax coating allows the floss to glide between your teeth and grip onto plaque.
Who it’s good for: Someone who’s looking for a no-frills, effective floss choice.
Where to get it: Most drugstores, Amazon
How much is it: $1-4
Find one that you can use every day, and your teeth will thank you!